Life At Brafton

Welcome to The Brafton Blog, where we share insights and updates on all things content marketing. From keeping up with the latest industry trends and best practices to getting a glimpse into life at Brafton, our blog has something for everyone. Our team of marketing experts are here to provide actionable tips and advice to help you drive success for your business.

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Life At Brafton Michael O'Neill

Inside the mind of an animator: A tour with Evelin Serritos

If you love singing to your cat, watching horror films and researching Norse mythology, you might be award-winning and world-renowned English novelist Neil Gaiman. Or, you might be Brafton Lead Animator Evelin Serritos. Lucky for us, Odin and Thor don’t take up all of Evelin’s time – she also comes to work ready to bring… Weiter »

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Life At Brafton Erin Balsa

Senior Writer Mike Manahan on puns, maple syrup and his mom

These days, almost anyone can be a writer. All it takes is a WordPress account and a pulse. But if you want to write for enterprise and mid-market clients at Brafton, you need impeccable grammar, creativity, the ability to synthesize complex information, plus organizational skills that rival Martha Stewart’s. Equally critical to success is a… Weiter »

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Life At Brafton Tressa Sloane

Chris Helms: Editor Extraordinaire Turned Project Manager

The beautiful thing about content marketing is that all departments come together to work on a client strategy. This is one of the things Project Manager Chris Helms likes most about his current role. He describes himself as a „natural connector,“ and collaborating with people across all departments to deliver on a strategy is very… Weiter »

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