One year ago this April, Tracey Zielezinski started her Brafton adventure. Armed with her strong writing and incredible attention to detail, she quickly became a valuable asset to the Chicago business marketing desk. Today, she remains one of the team’s greatest not-so-secret weapons.
As a lead editor, Tracey proves her prowess by swiftly tackling spelling, grammar, sourcing and AP Style errors. Through her editing talent, she’s able to create stronger content, while also challenging her teammates to produce their best work throughout the process.
“I’m undoubtedly a much stronger writer and researcher than when I started,” Tracey said. “Before I also had a very basic grasp of AP Style, and now there are common errors I could find in my sleep.”
One of our favorite traits Tracey brings to the table? Her willingness to go the extra mile to make her new teammates feel confident in their work.
“As a friend, Tracey is thoughtful and caring, and she is always down for some Brafton bonding time,” Editor Ashley Greene said. “She genuinely makes an effort to get to know people, and works particularly hard to make new writers feel welcome on our team.”
Learn more about Tracey in our Brafton Q&A:
Q: As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I had a flair for storytelling, so I wanted to be a novelist. Writing for a living in any form is pretty cool, though!
Q: What do you think is the most important quality you need to have for success?
Being motivated definitely helps!
Q: What do you value most in a job?
Appreciation and recognition for quality work. I enjoy working at a fun company with great people as well.
Q: What is your most treasured possession?
I feel lame saying this, but my Macbook. It contains my expansive iTunes library, all my creative writing work and my photos from my travels.
Q: What personality trait are you always trying to improve?
I’m not very patient, so that’s something I consciously try to work on all the time.
Q: Which day of the work week are you the most productive?
Tuesdays through Thursdays are usually my best three days of the week.
Q: What’s your favorite aspect of your job?
My absolute favorite thing about my work at Brafton is probably how much I learn! Between all the writing I’ve done and the editing I handle each month, I now know about so many random things. But I’m kind of a nerd and just really enjoy learning as much as possible – as long as I’m not getting tested on it!
Q: What do you consider your greatest achievement?
My absolute favorite thing about my work at Brafton is probably how much I learn!
Probably graduating college in four years, despite transferring schools and spending a semester abroad. I didn’t really feel accomplished at the time, but it might have been from the exhaustion!
Q: Have any „hidden talents“ ?
Spotting a double space from a mile away. Plus, I’m really good at identifying people’s celebrity doppelgangers.
Q: If Brafton were a TV show, which character – from any sitcom, drama or reality show (of any time period) – would represent you?
The closest comparison I can think of is April from Parks and Rec because I’m prone to hyperbole and have an offbeat sense of humor, but I really care about my friends underneath all that.
Learn more about Brafton’s career openings here.