Molly Buccini

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Kate Tully’s been a writer on Brafton’s Health and Living desk since the start of the year, and she’s already made quite the name for herself.

“Kate’s been solid from the get go – always willing to take on challenges full steam and with a great attitude,” said Section Editor Rebecca Bakken. “I not only value her as a writer, but I admire her as a person for her positivity and incredible sense of humor that bring much more to the team than I think she even realizes. I once asked her if I could hire her to join me in my everyday tasks and make commentary on the mundane. She laughed it off, but I wasn’t entirely joking. Everyone should be so lucky to have a Kate Tully around.“

Likewise, Kate says working at Brafton has allowed her to explore topics she never thought she’d be covering.

“I can (and have) written about fighting bears, senior sex, dogs getting plastic surgery and what small business owners can learn from ‘Game of Thrones,’” she said. “The best pieces I’ve written are those that allow me to write about topics I’m passionate about. I make it a personal mission to write about ‘Star Wars’ at least once for the majority of my clients.”

The best aspect of the Health and Living desk in Boston?

“Definitely the people I get to work with everyday,” Kate said. “Over the past several months I’ve fostered some really valuable friendships with all of my teammates.”

Learn more about Kate in our Brafton Q&A:

Q: As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be a Power Ranger, but after quickly realizing that my efforts were futile, I decided I wanted to be an actress. Unfortunately my acting career peaked in high school when I played a German man in the school play, a performance that was praised by my mother and few others.

Wondering what it’s like to be on our editorial team? Walk through a day in the life of a Brafton writer!

„I once asked if I could hire her to join me in my everyday tasks and make commentary on the mundane. She laughed it off, but I wasn’t entirely joking. Everyone should be so lucky to have a Kate Tully around.“ Rebecca Bakken, Section Editor. 

Q: What do you think is the most important quality needed for success?

Positivity. It’s hard not to obsess over negative comments, but you’re not always going to please everyone on the first try. I learned early on that you can’t let that kind of stuff bum you out.

Q: What do you value most in a job?

Just piles and piles of cash. It’s why I decided to become a writer.

Q: What is your most treasured possession?

When I graduated college, my favorite professor gave me a coffee mug shaped like R2-D2. When you take off its lid, it makes the beep-boop noises. I pull it out at parties when I’m trying to impress people.

Kate and her Health & Living teammates on Brafton's summer boat cruise.
Kate and her Health & Living teammates on Brafton’s summer boat cruise.
Q: Which day of the work week are you the most productive?

Tuesday. Wednesday is usually pretty good, but it all starts to go downhill by Thursday.

Q: What’s your favorite aspect of your job?

I’m gonna have to say my coworkers again. I think the world of these people.

Q: What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My million dollar TV show I have yet to write. The gears are turning in my head, though. It’s gonna be great.

Q: Have any „hidden talents“?

I can’t think of any talents I consider to be secret, but I can think of three things I’m comically bad at: directions, impressions and flirting. If humans were ranked on a global scale for any of those things, I would be in the lowest percentile for each.

Q: If Brafton were a TV show, which character – from any sitcom, drama or reality show (of any time period) – would represent you?

I really relate to Elaine from “Seinfeld” on a number of different levels.  


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