Chelsey Church

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Email has been used as a communication channel for decades and it shows no signs of stopping in the near future. The last few years of email marketing have reigned supreme in terms of design and attention to detail, making messages pop with unique typography, gamification, CSS-based animations and all-around engaging content. While these examples have proved to be successful, it should come as no surprise that 2019 is going to swing email marketing campaigns in new and exciting directions, introducing more progressive ways for readers to absorb content.

Innovative fonts and typography will continue to add the wow factor to emails this year, but they’re not the only trends to look out for. Among the top fads to make emails more effective include:

  • Enabling videos in content.
  • Integrating live social media feeds into body copy.
  • Surprising readers with an unfamiliar format.
  • Using APNG over GIFs.

The following infographic by Email Uplers details these trends (and more) to include in your 2019 email marketing design.

Source: Top 8 Email Design Trends To Follow In 2019