Dominick Sorrentino

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He’s back and he’s fired up. 2018 marked the last time Shane Baker was on the show (that makes him our first-ever repeat guest).

In those days, he worked as a freelance disco instructor by night and a CIA-contracted gun by day. He had just finished his memoir, “I don’t talk like Paul Rudd, Paul Rudd talks like me,” a brooding tell-all about the time he and the ”Role Models” star spent in clown school together.

These days, Shane Barker is busy saving small businesses, trying ayahuasca and being a highly successful digital marketing consultant (not necessarily in that order). He’s the founder and owner of Clout Marketing, LLC., which helps small businesses triumph over the fallout of COVID-19, and he recently launched a course that helps aspiring influencers succeed.

As usual, Shane had plenty of input on some really interesting topics ranging from:

  • Business consulting.
  • How to navigate delicate situations with struggling clients during COVID times.
  • How to be a traveling digital entrepreneur.
  • Much more.

Buckle in, because this one is a wild (but very fun) ride:

Correction: Some of the above information pertaining to Shane Barker may be untrue. Namely, there’s no evidence that he is, in fact, highly successful.

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Context-Free Quote of the Week

“If you’re a brain surgeon and you don’t get back to your clients and then they die, that really sucks.”